The Sales Pitch Disguised as a Book: A Candid Review of ‘So Good They Call You a Fake’

Over the last 2 years I’ve produced close to 250 youtube videos, and they all served a purpose. And this brings me to the very first point that I’d like to make in this video, which is that every content piece that you work on needs to have a search intent, and purpose. But, this is

Crafting Purposeful Content: Optimizing for Search Intent and Audience Engagement

I’ve just finished reading Tolkien’s The Hobbit. It’s the first time I’ve ever dived into Tolkien’s work. I know, I know, some might say “how dare I?” But I have to say, I’ve had an amazing time with this short, sweet story of Bilbo Baggins and his dwarven companions. Now, I should also mention that, like many

A Hobbit’s Tale: A Review of Tolkien’s Classic

When you’re stuck at home over a weekend feeling sick, with rain drumming on the roof… is there a better plan than to watch a comedy movie while you snack on some microwave popcorn? Well… Let me tell you about one I recently watched on Prime Video… Ricky Stanicky.Featuring Zac Efron and John Cena among others, this

🍿 Ricky Stanicky: A Funny Sick-Day Comedy

I have to say… I don’t know that Choice in Currency can be considered a book in the traditional sense. It’s more like an essay by Friedrich Hayek. But hey, I got a paperback edition that came in really nicely delivered from Amazon, so I’m going to review it anyway.Look, it’s mind-boggling to me that

Choice in Currency: A Look at Beating Inflation with Hayek

I have just finished reading Ed Catmull’s Creativity, Inc., and I have to say… I liked it! I really liked this book.Overall, any Disney or Pixar fan out there would have fun reading this. It gives a lot of background context on how Pixar made movies like Toy Story and Bug’s Life, and how Walt

Ed Catmull’s Creativity, Inc.: A Must-Read for Disney and Pixar Fans