Movie Club: The Zone of Interest 🪰

Last updated on January 21, 2024

Look, I love watching movies that are different.

Movies that don't just try to feed your Hollywood-driven desire for action-packed blockbusters, but rather, movies that make you think. Movies that stay in your mind for three or four days after having seen them.

The Zone of Interest is probably going to do this for me, but for all the wrong reasons.

This movie is bad. This is just a bad movie. How did it manage to score so well on Rotten Tomatoes? No clue.

I don't think I've ever seen anything by Jonathan Glazer, but he's going to have a hard time convincing me to give him another shot.

Look, the premise behind this movie is to show you what the horrors of the Holocaust seemed like from inside a Nazi family. The problem is that the movie completely fails to show off any of the actual horrors.

In a runtime of 1 hour and 45 minutes, you're going to be looking at a family doing what families do. They go fishing, they play in the outdoor area of their homes. They have lunch and dinner. They talk about how to move forward in life and how to get through challenges at work.

Does this sound interesting to you? Probably not. And trust me, it's not.

Now, putting people in Nazi uniforms or showing off Auschwitz right next to this family's home doesn't make the movie any more interesting.

There's no plot. I'm being serious, there is absolutely no plot to this movie. There is no character development. There is no build-up towards anything. Had you been living under a rock for the last 100 years you wouldn't even be able to sympathize with the horrors that they did to Jews because they barely talk about them.

This was a boring, lifeless, and dull movie.

A failed experiment at trying to make you feel the horrors of the Holocaust without showing you anything.

The movie, point-blank, just doesn't work.

Score: 2/10 🪰*

* 🪰 Rotten, didn't like it

🍿 Fun, give it a watch

🍅 Fresh, must watch!

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Tony Lewis Marketing Specialist
Tony is a marketing specialist with a high passion for marketing, finance, business and tech. He has spent the last 10 years of his life consulting companies in the WordPress space and building software with bubble on the side.

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Movie Club: The Zone of Interest 🪰

Last updated on January 21, 2024

Look, I love watching movies that are different.

Movies that don't just try to feed your Hollywood-driven desire for action-packed blockbusters, but rather, movies that make you think. Movies that stay in your mind for three or four days after having seen them.

The Zone of Interest is probably going to do this for me, but for all the wrong reasons.

This movie is bad. This is just a bad movie. How did it manage to score so well on Rotten Tomatoes? No clue.

I don't think I've ever seen anything by Jonathan Glazer, but he's going to have a hard time convincing me to give him another shot.

Look, the premise behind this movie is to show you what the horrors of the Holocaust seemed like from inside a Nazi family. The problem is that the movie completely fails to show off any of the actual horrors.

In a runtime of 1 hour and 45 minutes, you're going to be looking at a family doing what families do. They go fishing, they play in the outdoor area of their homes. They have lunch and dinner. They talk about how to move forward in life and how to get through challenges at work.

Does this sound interesting to you? Probably not. And trust me, it's not.

Now, putting people in Nazi uniforms or showing off Auschwitz right next to this family's home doesn't make the movie any more interesting.

There's no plot. I'm being serious, there is absolutely no plot to this movie. There is no character development. There is no build-up towards anything. Had you been living under a rock for the last 100 years you wouldn't even be able to sympathize with the horrors that they did to Jews because they barely talk about them.

This was a boring, lifeless, and dull movie.

A failed experiment at trying to make you feel the horrors of the Holocaust without showing you anything.

The movie, point-blank, just doesn't work.

Score: 2/10 🪰*

* 🪰 Rotten, didn't like it

🍿 Fun, give it a watch

🍅 Fresh, must watch!

author avatar
Tony Lewis Marketing Specialist
Tony is a marketing specialist with a high passion for marketing, finance, business and tech. He has spent the last 10 years of his life consulting companies in the WordPress space and building software with bubble on the side.

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